The following process is followed by the institute for testing of machines.
ü The applicant is request to submit 3 copies of application form in the prescribed format for testing of machine separately for each machine. The form can be obtained from the institute website.
ü The machine is required to be randomly selected from applicant’s works.The size of lot should be as per the cost of machine as stated in ministries order.
ü The application form along with specification and date of random sampling should be submitted to the institute.
ü The test fees should be deposited online Bharatkosh portal as per flow diagram given in Testing charges 2021-22.
ü The GST at the prevailed rate is to be deposited separately against the challan issued by the institute, which will be issued only after receipt of test fee.
ü The machine is tested (lab and field test) with reference to the relevant standards or test procedure derived.
ü Final inspection of the machine is carried out together with the wear analysis and chemical composition of critical components.
ü After completion of all tests, the collected data is analyzed and draft report in the standardized format is prepared.
ü After scrutiny of the draft report at different levels, the draft report is released for the comments of applicant.
ü The comments from the applicant are to received with in the period specified with release of draft test report. If not received the final decision in that the testing authority.
ü The comments of applicant, if any are examined. If there are of editorial nature, then these are corrected in the report. The comments, if any,are incorporated in the final report under separate chapter as applicant’s comments.
ü Final report is released under the signature of Testing authority and Head of the institution.
ü After the release of final test report, the machine (test sample) is released to the applicant. Applicant shall take back the machine/test sample within 30 days.