
Minimum requirementsfor admission


Candidatesshould be able to read, write and express well either in Hindi or English &should possess agricultural background or engaged in agriculture or alliedprofession. The candidates having agriculture land, tractor and farm machinery willbe given preference. Age of the candidate must be in between 18 to 40 years. Relaxationmay be given in special cases only at the discretion of the Director of theInstitute.


Candidatesfor these courses will be sponsored by Government, Semi-Government,organizations engaged in activities of agricultural mechanization ofagriculture. Rural artisans with 2 year of experience & youth possessingITI/GVEI certificate in Tractor Mechanic/Farm Mechanic/Crop Production/DieselMechanic etc. Progressive farmers/candidates who have completed the User LevelCourse are also eligible for this course. Candidates sponsored by farmequipment manufacturers and organizations engaged in activities relating tomechanization of agriculture may also be admitted to this course depending onavailability of seats.


Nomineessponsored by Government Department, Agro Industries Corporations,Semi-Government Organizations holding intermediate, middle level technical supervisorpositions, Progressive farmers who have already completed Farm MachineryUtilization and maintenance Course, Candidates who have possess degree inagriculture and engineering subjects are eligible for this course.


A-1:The Deans/Principals of Agricultural Engineering/AgricultureColleges/Polytechnics of different Agricultural Universities sponsor studentsof final year Agril. Engg./Agri./Diploma in Argil. Engg.

A-2:The students of Tractor mechanic, Farm mechanic, Diesel mechanic, Electrician,Line man, Auto electrical and Crop production trades sponsored from thePrincipals of ITIs & GVEIs.

Theapplicant must be engaged in the field of Agricultural Mechanization &possess basic working knowledge of M.S. Office & internet.


Thenominations are received through Principal, HOD or Employer of theorganization/Competent authority of the Govt. Departments, Universities, Banksand NGOs etc.


Thecandidates are sponsored through international agencies like ILO, FAO, ITEC,SCAAP etc. Two training programmes of 10 & 18 weeks duration (FN1 &FN2) are offered by this Institute for Foreign National.

 FN1: 10 weeks training programme is offeredfor qualified technician having practical experience of at least 2 years onoperation maintenance & repair of farm machinery.

FN2:18 Week: Qualified Engineers & Technician with basic knowledge of FarmMachinery operation maintenance & repair of farm machinery are eligible forthis course. The candidate should be able to read, write and express either inEnglish or Hindi Language.


Thereal requirement for training is genuine interest for operation of agriculturalmachinery and mechanized farming, ability to think constructively on the joband willingness to work. The trainees of ½ & one month courses are placedon probation for one week and those who do not show aptitude for the trainingincluding trainees admitted to other courses are liable to be expelled from training.


Freelodging is provided to all trainees in the Hostel attached of the Institute. Theyare required to pay for their boarding charges. Mess is run by a contractor oncontractual basis. The trainees have to deposit a mess advance of Rs.2300/-every month, which is adjustable. All the trainees will abide by the rules laiddown for the Hostel and mess.


Everyselected trainee is required to deposit a sum of Rs.250/- as security at thetime of admission, which will be adjusted against dues towards mess charges,loss of books, damage to tools and equipments etc. or any other loss sustained tothe Government due to negligence of trainees, if any. If trainee is terminatedon account of not taking interest in his work or indiscipline or if he leavestraining the security deposit will be forfeited.


Duringthe period of training the trainees will be under the direct control of theDirector of Institute and will be governed by the rules laid down by him fromtime to time. Breach of discipline on the part of a trainee will render himliable to expulsion from the Institute. Rules concerning hostel, use of libraryetc. will be made available to them at the time of admission.


NoLeave will be granted during the training programmes except in any emergency oron medical ground. However, in any case the minimum attendance should not beless than 85% to qualify the training programme. The trainees are required tostay in the Hostel so as to be available for special programmes arranged atshort notices.


Governmentwill not be responsible for any loss of property or injury caused to thetrainees during their training period.

Thecandidate must be medically fit and be prepared to do all types of practical jobson the farm and workshop.

TheInstitute does not offer any employment after completion of the training.

Eachselected candidate for User Level Training programme & Technician level programmeof one-month duration or more should bring with them two sets of ‘KHAKI’uniform and also a pair of full shoes (chappals and Loose clothing are notallowed during Practical classes).

Candidateadmitted to ‘A-1&A-2’ series courses are required to use blue or Khakiuniform or workshop uniform of their college/ITIs.